Tips To Conquer Dental Anxiety: Helping Kids Overcome Fear of the Dentist


A trip to the dentist is a routine many adults dread, but for children, it can be a source of immense fear and anxiety. Statistics show that roughly 75% of children experience some level of dental anxiety, and for some, it can be a significant barrier to receiving proper oral care. Most reputed pediatric dentists in Bainbridge Island, Seabeck, Poulsbo, Port Hardlock, and surrounding areas strongly believe that addressing dental fear early on is crucial for establishing a lifetime of good oral health habits and preventing future complications.

In this blog post, Dentistry For Children will provide practical tips from our pediatric dentists for parents to help their children conquer dental anxiety and ensure positive dental experiences.

Dental Anxiety in Children

Dental anxiety in children can stem from various factors, including:

1. Fear of the unknown:

According to the leading pediatric dentistry experts in Port Orchard, children may be apprehensive about unfamiliar environments, medical settings, and the sounds and instruments dentists use.

2. Pain perception:

The children are usually concerned about experiencing pain during dental procedures.

3. Past negative experiences:

Some past painful experience in a dentist’s office could have been so bad that it built up into an undeniable fear of visiting again.

4. Parental anxiety:

The anxiety of one’s own dental treatment could be transmitted from a parent down to a child.
Expert pediatric dentists at Dentistry For Children suggest that acknowledging and validating feelings of fear is very important. Do not belittle or guilt-trip your child. Instead, reassure your child about safety and protection throughout the dental experience.

The Role of Parents in Easing Dental Anxiety

According to the leading children’s pediatric dentistry experts in Port Townsend, the most important element of a child’s attitude towards dental care, however, comes from the parents. The following are a few ways parents can help their children feel more comfortable about visiting the dentist:

1. Start early:

Your child needs to see a dentist by their first birthday or within six months of the eruption of the first tooth. This early introduction to the dentist in a positive setting helps establish familiarity and trust.

2. Role-play:

Practice what happens at a dental visit in your home before the appointment. Take turns acting as the dentist and very gently examining your child’s teeth.

3. Use positive language:

Avoid using scary words like “drill” or even “shot.” Top pediatric dentistry specialists in Seabeck suggest explaining to your child that a trip to the dentist simply means visiting a place to help them keep their smile healthy and strong.

4. Choose the right dentist:

Look for a pediatric dentist with experience treating children. Pediatric dentists are specially educated and trained to provide a child-friendly environment, dental practices, and gentle techniques.

Preparing Your Child for a Dental Visit

1. Schedule the appointment strategically:

If possible, set the appointment at times when your child is fresh and relaxed. Try not to set it during nap time or when your child will be hungry.

2. Read children’s books about going to the dentist:

Leading children’s dentistry experts in Port Ludlow reveal that many good children’s books can make a person’s first visit to the dentist a positive experience. Reading these books together can help your child become more familiar with what will happen during the visit and may help make dentist visits fun.

3. Be honest and upfront:

You can honestly answer your child’s questions but always remain calm. Let your child know that the dentist will treat them gently and explain everything the dentist does before they do it.

4. Consider a visit beforehand:

You may even want to consider visiting ahead of time. Top pediatric dentists in Silverdale reveal that if your child is very nervous, this “get acquainted” visit can allow them to become familiar with the dentist and the office without any procedure, making them a little more comfortable in a new environment.

Choosing the Right Dentist

When it comes to your child’s oral health, choosing the right dentist is extremely important. Dentistry For Children is a place where our pediatric dentists are specially trained to take care of the unique needs of children. We have the knowledge, experience, and temperament to help provide your child with a positive and relaxing dental experience. Our team uses state-of-the-art equipment and the latest techniques to take better care. We work on preventative measures as our core area of focus for keeping the beautiful smile of little ones healthy throughout life.

To schedule an appointment with our team today, contact us at (360) 377-3844( BREMERTON) or (360) 876-9507(PORT ORCHARD.

How to Find a Pediatric Dentist Experienced in Dealing with Anxious Children

Look for a pediatric dentist in Silverdale, Port Townsend, and nearby locations who has experience treating children with dental anxiety. At Dentistry For Children, we have exam room TVs, video games, and a comfortable seating area to help children relax during their visit. Discuss with them how they treat anxious children and whether they offer sedation dentistry if needed. Our work is to make every visit a pleasant one so that your child feels safe and comfortable.

Benefits of Visiting the Dental Office Before the Actual Appointment

According to the top children’s dentistry experts in Bainbridge Island, an “orientation” visit before your child’s actual dental appointment can be very helpful in reducing their dental fear and anxiety. As mentioned earlier, during this visit, children will be able to familiarize themselves with the dentist and staff, view the office, and become familiar with the environment in which they will be treated. This may help your child feel a little more comfortable and relaxed during their actual appointment.

Techniques to Reduce Anxiety During the Visit

1. Bringing comfort items

Let your child bring a favorite stuffed animal or blanket to the dentist. Top children’s dentistry specialists in Seabeck reveal that these objects are familiar and can help your child feel more secure. Some dental offices have a “comfort corner” where kids can choose a favorite toy or book to help them feel more comfortable.

2. Using distraction techniques

Distraction techniques play an important role in reducing dental anxiety.

Following are some ideas:

Let your child bring headphones or a tablet

Allow them to carry headphones or a tablet with their favorite music or a favorite movie to watch during the appointment.

Encourage deep breathing

Teach your child relaxation techniques like deep breathing to help calm their nerves.

Positive visualization

Get your child to positively imagine something else to distract their mind from the procedure—for example, picture them on a beach or playground.

Read a Few Books About Going to the Dentist

According to the top children’s dentistry experts in Port Orchard, reading to your child about going to the dental service is a helpful preparatory tool for your children and assists in reducing anxiety. Many libraries and bookstores will have children’s books in this subject area.

Positive Reinforcement and Rewards

Top pediatric dentists in Port Hardlock reveal that positive reinforcement can miraculously help conquer dental fear. By rewarding your child’s bravery and cooperation, you can create a positive correlation for visiting the dentist.

1. Use praise and positive reinforcement:

Reward honest praise and encouragement during the dental visit. Let your child know how proud you are of his bravery and cooperation.

2. Ideas for small rewards:

Consider offering small rewards after a successful dental visit. This could be a sticker, a small toy, or some special type of outing. Do not use food, however, as that can add to growing unhealthy eating habits.

3. Creating a positive association with future dental visits:

According to the leading children’s dentistry experts in Port Ludlow, positive reinforcement should be used invariably so that the child starts associating visits to the dentist with positive thoughts. It will make further visits less stressful for you and your child.

Addressing Severe Dental Anxiety

While many kids have a little dental anxiety, others have a full-blown phobia. Know when to seek help:

1. Recognizing when professional help is needed:

Top children’s dentistry experts in Port Townsend reveal that if your child has dental anxiety that is interfering with their oral health or another area of their life, you may want to consider seeking the help of a professional. A child psychologist or therapist can then provide you with anxiety management techniques or ways to overcome fear.

2. Options for sedation dentistry or therapy:

Sedation dentistry may be advised for children with serious dental anxiety only in some very serious cases. This medication will make your child sleepy and relaxed during dental procedures. However, sedation dentistry must only be considered a last resort and should be under the professional advice of a qualified dentist.

3. Long-term strategies for managing dental fear:

According to the leading pediatric dentists in Poulsbo, building a strong relationship with your child’s dentist will help you in the long term manage their dental fears. Continuous communication with the dentist can allow you to devise a plan that addresses their particular needs regarding their anxiety and ensures a positive experience at the dentist’s.

Building a Positive Dental Routine at Home

Establishing good oral hygiene habits at home is crucial for preventing dental problems and reducing anxiety about dental visits.

1. Encouraging good oral hygiene habits:

According to the top children’s dentistry experts in Silverdale, you can make brushing and flossing fun by using colorful toothbrushes, fun-flavored toothpaste, and engaging songs or rhymes.

2. Making brushing and flossing fun and engaging:

Allow the child to pick their own toothbrush and toothpaste. To make it fun and bonding, let them help you brush and floss their teeth.

3. Regularly discussing the importance of dental health:

Leading pediatric dentists in Bainbridge Island reveal that you must explain to the child why they need to care for the teeth. Explain in an age-specific way how cavities can be prevented, and their smile kept healthy by proper brushing and flossing.

Final Takeaway

Overcoming dental anxiety in children requires patience, understanding, and a positive approach. By following the tips outlined in this blog, you can help your child develop a positive attitude towards dental care and ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Our team at Dentistry For Children is committed to providing a warm, welcoming, and child-friendly environment for all our young patients. Our experienced pediatric dentists in Bainbridge Island, Poulsbo, Hansville, Silverdale, Belfair, Bremerton, Port Orchard, Kingston, Port Townsend, Port Hadlock, Port Ludlow, Seabeck, Gig Harbor, and nearby locations are dedicated to helping children overcome their fear of the dentist and achieve optimal oral health. We offer various services tailored to children’s specific needs, including preventive care, restorative treatments, and orthodontic services.

Contact us at (360) 377-3844( BREMERTON) or (360) 876-9507(PORT ORCHARD today to schedule a consultation for your child.