CATEGORY: Uncategorized


Preventing Bleeding Gums in Toddlers and Kids: Essential Tips

Every parent knows that the sheer joy of celebrating your child's first tooth is amazing! Those little pearly white teeth bring nothing short of delight in your daily lives and countless photo opportunities. But what happens when that smile turns.... Read More >>
Is a Second Opinion Right for You?

7 Ways To Prevent Tooth Decay And Cavities In Children

As parents, we strive to ensure the overall well-being of our children. While we concentrate on giving children a secure environment, wholesome diet, and quality education, one factor that should be considered is their oral health. Children frequently experience tooth.... Read More >>

Pediatric Dentistry: Caring for Your Child’s Dental Health

Oral health is one important area that frequently needs special attention. Pediatric dentistry concerns children's oral health from infancy to puberty, ensuring their teeth and gums are well-cared for during their formative years. This blog will cover pediatric dentistry's significance,.... Read More >>
Baby's First Dental Check-Up

Baby’s First Dental Check-Up

Baby's firsts are the best! From first bath to first words to first steps, each tiny milestone is exciting and important! Baby's First Dental Check-Up is no different! When Should I Schedule Baby's First Check-Up? The American Dental Association recommends.... Read More >>
Seal Out Tooth Decay

Seal Out Tooth Decay

While brushing and flossing are the cornerstones of good oral hygiene (and first priority in our Top Tips for Terrific Teeth), sealants are another great tool for keeping your kids' teeth cavity free. What are Sealants? Normal brushing works really.... Read More >>

A Sweet Story

Recently, I was meeting my friends, Mike and Ike, to talk about Halloween.  They decided to play a Twix on me.  I was eating my favorite Mexican food and listening to my favorite musical artist….Marshmellow….when they slipped some Jalapenos on.... Read More >>

Halloween Tricks for All Those Treats!

Ahhh, Halloween! Who doesn't love all the spooky decorations and adorable costumes? But then there's the candy ... all. that. candy. As parents we want our kiddos to enjoy the holiday, but what are we to do about about all.... Read More >>
A Sweet Story

Choosing New Dental Insurance? Ask These Questions Before You Buy!

Are you on the hunt for a new dental insurance plan? Whether your company is entering open season for insurance plans or you've changed jobs and are looking at all new plans, it can be a daunting task to choose.... Read More >>

Where’s Cheesie?

Cheesie has been our beloved office mascot for years! He loves watching over all the kiddos in our office as they grow, and it shows in the size of his smile! Cheesie knows all the kids have awesome summer plans,.... Read More >>

Shark Teeth: When Should You Worry?

As a parent, you may find yourself a little alarmed when your child's permanent teeth begin to erupt behind their baby teeth, creating a somewhat menacing double row – much like a shark! This condition, playfully termed "shark teeth," is.... Read More >>